Friday, June 17, 2005

EdubuntuSummit, London, 1-3 July 2005

Edubuntu is a new school-focused derivative of the popular Ubuntu operating system. We would like to collaborate with the community as much as possible in the development of Edubuntu, and therefore would like you to join us at the inaugural Edubuntu Summit which will be held in Central London (England) on 1-3 July 2005.

Edubuntu is an Ubuntu version suitable for classroom use. We integrate the excellent work of many of the existing initiatives for Linux in education and so are working with groups such as the K12-LTSP project, SkoleLinux Debian-Edu, and the upstream LTSP community to produce a best-of-breed Linux that schools and school
districts can use as a basis for their needs.

find the differences

Tribe and Yahoo 360
seem to be harder to tell apart by the day.
Anyway, nice to see a new breed of social software that starts making sense.

If you want an invite, just say so.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Psychological action

One of the problems with the Dudes in Orange is that they are so smug. So confident. So Shufuni Anas. Well, here's a chance to trickle doubt into that source of power. Use the responses form, and tell them why they have it wrong. Be polite, non-violent, tolerant - frontal attack will get you nowhere. And believe it can do some good. Raindrops onstone. If nothing else, keep the webmaster busy for a couple of minutes.

Oh, and of course, pass this on (but you know - copy paste, not "forward").

U'ba Le-Zion Goel.

eG Forums -> A Taste of the Mediterranean

mouth watering & heart warming:

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

ahh. at last.

Haaretz - Israel News - 8,000 apply to join police ranks, want to

Ha'aretz reports:

8,000 apply to join police ranks, want to help with disengagement

Now, let's see. There are 7000 settlers, and 8,000 people are volunteering to join the police force and participate in the risky, inconvenient, uncomfortable, very unpleasant task of dragging them out of their homes.

In may count, that's a pretty conclusive opinion poll.

Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive

Spend your next lifetime watching.

Monday, June 13, 2005

EC official says Europe is falling behind on open source - Computer

<>Jesus Villasante, head of the software development unit at the European Commission's Information Society and Media Directorate General, said Europe risks falling further behind the US and Asia if it does not take a more proactive approach to open source software.

"We have the impression that Europe is moving very, very slowly and our competitors are moving very fast," Villasante told visitors to theHolland Open Software Conference in Amsterdam.

<>"In the US most of the large companies have clear strategies to increase open source in their product lines," he continued. "In Asia and Latin America, we see that there are many national and regional projects to develop and to work on open source.

Hear that? Open source = economic impart. Its not me that's saying it, its the US market.