Friday, March 14, 2003

Here's a note Gali brought home from nursery:

Thursday 13th March 2003

Dear Parents/Carers.

Many of you will know that on Monday 17th March it is St Patrick's Day and we would like the children to bring something in for our Interest table as well as dressing in something Green White or Orange to represent the colours of the Irish flag.
The children will be baking soda bread to have for their tea.

On Tuesday it is a Jewish festival called 'Purim' it is tradition for the children to dress up in fancy dress. We would therefore like the children to dress up in a costume of their choice to help Gali and Jonny celebrate. Once again the children will be baking a traditional cookie for their tea.
Sharing traditions from our different cultures enriches the children's learning experience.

Thank you for your co-operation


I love London!
But yesterday wasn't all bad. I go an e-mail from my MSc supervisor, Jeff Rosenschein. He said he thought we might try to get a journal publication (or two) out of my thesis. Try, it was written nearly a decade ago, but we never did. And apparently, it is referenced occasionaly.
Yesterday we finally ordered flight tickets for Hadas to Barcelona (she's going to visit our friend Shlomi there). This morning Shlomi calls, and says there's a small issue with our flight: it goes to Gerona, which is 100km from Barcelons, and there's no reasonable public transportation.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

oh well, here goes.. I guess it's about time I had a BLog, right?