Saturday, June 11, 2005

Innovate - Instructional Blogging: Promoting Interactivity, Student-Centered


As a valuable e-learning tool, blogging can be used in a number of ways
to engage students in discussion, exploration, and discovery. It is
appropriate for both hybrid and fully online courses. As my
institution's primary support person for instructional blogging, as well
as an instructor who has integrated blogging into his teaching, I can
attest that it works best when integrated into a coherent pedagogical
approach, vested in an appropriate educational theory, and updated
regularly by participants. As more instructors use blogging, we will
have the opportunity to assess new applications for this emerging
instructional technology. It will be interesting, for example, to learn
whether blogs promote virtual communities after a course has ended and
grades have been assigned. More importantly, extending contact between
instructors and enthusiastic students through a topical blog could
provide a practical way to mentor and encourage exceptional students to
continue their studies in relevant fields.

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